Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's Munday...and yes, I've got a case of it.

Today while in the grocery store, I most certainly did not turn into a cupcake mom. I mean, whoever would let their child bully them into buying 2 boxes of fruit snacks, Golden Grahams, and the most expensive, decadent, organic granola bars known to man? I never bribe when trying to get said child dressed to go run errands all the while chasing him around the house to only get a pair of pants on. Never would I! No, not me!

I could never bring myself to practice child labor. Putting my 8 yr old to work would be insane and I would surely feel so much guilt for making him unload the dishwasher instead of playing outside in the wet, cold snow. Nevah, evah...not me!

I never put rainboots on the littlest one because they are easy to slip on and blame it on the fact that he loves wearing boots everywhere. I would think that mom is lazy and doesn't want to take the time to tie those shoelaces. I wouldn't, couldn't.

Head over to for more Not Me! Monday fun!

1 comment:

Wayne said...

To funny about the boots great not me monday

I would also like to invite you to take part in my new post called Tell a joke Tuesday. you can either tell a joke or a funny story that has happend to you or a friend ths week. it has mr linky so the world can view your joke or story. I hope you will take part