Thursday, June 4, 2009

amoxicillin, septra, augmentin...oh my!

It's official...I'm joining the Medicare club at Walgreens. You know, the ones that sit in the chairs by the pharmacy waiting for the golden speaker to come on and let Ms. Mildred Evergreen know that her prescription is now ready. This after 21 trips to the counter to ask if her prescription is ready all within 10 minutes. Or the one that walks up and the pharmacy tech says "Well good afternoon Mr. Walter". I am now known by my name. I'm drawing the line at the tennis ball walker....totally not my style. I really started to wonder if I'd ever come back to blogging. Craziness has become embossed on my forehead like the Scarlet Letter. Here is the skinny....Tanner (my youngest) has been sick, sick, sick. Long story short, we have endured sinus surgery along with new tubes and countless antibiotics and specialists. He's been tested for immune diseases to cystic fibrosis. All negative...PRAISE GOD! So for now we wait until he gets sick again and go from there. Would you ever think that the sweetness above felt bad? He's a trooper.

The problem that I find with blogging is that it becomes an addiction because if I blog then that means I've got to go through everyone's blog to see what they are up to. Then, my craftiest friends wow me with their thrift store finds and uber creativity. Their uber creativity leads me to feel inspired. Me feeling inspired ends up tearing through the house to see what I can rearrange so that it looks like I've gone shopping. Me realizing that going shopping would feel so much better than rearranging ends up in running out for that perfect find...which leads to major meltdowns from the boys saying it stinks, I'm bored, and I wanna toy, I wanna toy, I wanna toy (all the while shoppers are scattering out of the store like cockroaches because of ruptured ear drums from the screaming and crying Tanner can do). Their screams bring out the bribing mechanism in my brain that says if you behave I'll take you to McDonald's to get a toy. McDonald's leads to me seeing the coffee but wanting Starbucks instead. My craving leads to sitting in a long line for Starbucks but wishing I had gone to Muddy's . After all, what goes better with coffee then a cupcake. Then me being gone all done leads to laundry looking like Mt. Kilimanjaro and empty pocketbooks. See why I haven't blogged? Anyone else go through this?


maribeth said...

yes! but i do it anyway. i know i am sick, but i can't help it. i must document our crazy life and i feel even more compelled to read yours (and everyone else's). help me! let's all say it together, "hi, my name is maribeth and i am addicted to blogging and blog stalking."

and, one more thing, i am so glad that adorable little boy is feeling better and that everything is normal.

jennifer said...

haha! absolutely! i can soooo relate.

you are cracking me up over here.

thrilled that the big tests were negative and praying that he feels better very, very soon.

breanne said...

blog stalking...i have no idea what you are talking about maribeth, lol.