Ahh, summer. I hate it! Today our heat index is reaching 107 degrees. What is good about that? Nothing I tell you, nothing. Here in Memphis, humidity blankets the city and you are trapped inside where AC provides you a heavenly escape to the sweltering heat outside. I don't mind heat if I'm sitting on a beach letting my toes burn in the white sand but somehow sitting in the heat with my toes in dirt doesn't quite do it for me.
Being a
Memphian, Jerry's Snow Cones is a tradition. You know it's summer when the Jerry's parking lot is packed. So last night we made our summer night a wee bit better by driving to the hood to get a snow cone. For a $1 and some change you can pick from their cheesecake flavor to fire and everything in between.
Now as you can see, Jerry's isn't in the best of neighborhoods. The first incident happened just as we got our cones. With the recent storms that came through we have tons of trucks going around to pick up all the tree limbs. One of those trucks pulls up and out comes him. When I say him, I mean the dirtiest of dirty men....but totally not in an inappropriate way. Just in the 'I've been working in the 95 degree heat for 12 hours and I smell like a dead yak' kinda way. So of course, my kids bring attention to themselves by talking to every person that wants to strike up a conversation. Here is how the conversation went:
Dirty man: Is that snow cone good?
Tanner: Yes, it
boobubble goum!
Dirty man: That looks good, can I have a bite?
Tanner: Yes (and literally scoops a bite out and tries to feed the man)
Me: Tanner!!! (screaming) that man doesn't want your nasty germs!!!!
Dirty man: laughing
So the man walks up to the counter, gets his snow cone, and before I know it he is offering Tanner a bite! My body could not move fast enough to stop Tanner from dipping his spoon into the strawberry goodness of a Jerry's Snow Cone. Oh my, my germ wheels were freaking! Most of you are asking, pondering through your little heads....did dirty man eat out of it first? And your answer is no. I guess I shouldn't be too freaked but O.H. M.Y. G.O.S.H!!!
Ok, first freak out over.
The following pictures are from Tristan and Tanner
spotting a man with a snake, yes...slithery,
slimy, germ filled, eat your head off snake, around his hands coming to Jerry's to get some nachos.
ok...it was little snake but
ick!!! Mommy was freaking.
Freak outs over and enjoying a cone!