Sunday, November 1, 2009

a surgeon is not a doctor

I love to come up with unique Halloween costumes. When I had my second son, it was even better. I could now come up with duos. I usually take it easy and purchase one costume and make one. So far we've been Curious George & The Man in the Yellow Hat, Willy Wonka & Wonka bar, and Batman & Robin. This year, I thought, was going to be the best. Tristan was going to be a surgeon and Tanner the Operation Game dude. That was until Tanner saw Tristan dressing up like daddy. I teetered with the idea of making the costume in hopes that he'd change his mind but then I realized...he's 3...don't waste your time on making him wear a red nose and a pink body leotard with bones and brain freeze pieces on it. Save your time woman! So, both the boys were surgeons...not, I repeat, not doctors. Or so Tanner said.

Note to self: If you wait to look for their Halloween bags, you know the ones you spent good money on, until an hour before trick-or-treating begins you probably won't find them. Especially in those closets you supposedly organized. If you forget you will probably have to use their Easter buckets.


kelly said...

girl! you totally have THREE (3) mcdreamys at your house this week! that's SO much fun! i loved the costumes. and the easter buckets! ;o)

maribeth said...

too cute! i feel your pain with the costume issue although we managed to work it out in the end this year. oh, these children, stifling my creativity, or maybe we are stifling theirs-who knows!

TLF said...

Too, too cute!

Diane said...

They are too cute!