Wednesday, August 26, 2009

blast off!

What?!?! Not everybody dresses up like a astronaut
to go to school?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

i'm dreaming

I'm going to be oh so busy this week selling THIS adorable, affordable children's clothing. I'm drooling over all the girlie cuteness!

I've got lots on my mind! I need to sand and paint a dresser/hutch for Tristan's room along with my dining room table and chairs....oooh how I'm dreading this one! I'm so torn on what color to go with. Since my ultimate goal is to completely change out my colors I need a color that will work now and when all redos are complete. How I wish I could do it all at the same time.....and have money left over. Is it bad that I'm wishing for fabrics and paint for my birthday? It's official, I'm old. Since I'm buying a sewing machine, finally, I dream of gorgeous fabrics and decadent paint....and a handy man to do it all would be GREAT! Oh wait, it is a dream. So, my current colors are goldy yellow, cherry & deep red, khakis, and hints of green. What I want is whites, creams, khakis, and shades of aqua and celedon/limey green (ooh look, I made up my own color!). My kitchen, dining, and living rooms are all open to each other. So, my question is...what color would you paint the dining table and chairs?

Friday, August 21, 2009

dear world

Dear World,
I have some serious issues with what goes on in your little world as of late. These strange, annoying things keep happening to me. I'm peeved and annoyed but let's just say I'll deal. I'm just going to lay it out in bulletin style because I want to get directly to the point.
  • will you please let the lovely ladies that wear white cotton tank tops know that a bra might be needed?
  • will you please tell the neighborhood association guy to quit taking joy rides around the neighborhood just to look at my dead plants? i know it's him leaving me a 'warning' in the mailbox. and hey, adirondack chair is much cuter than his folding sports chair sitting in his driveway. isn't this against code?
  • can you please let the nice, old lady at the do it yourself check out lanes know that scanning one item per minute is not acceptable? especially when we are buying toliet paper because three days of using paper towels does not award you mommy of the year.
  • hey the white jeans, with the jersey on...tell your wife with the white tank top to put a bra on! y'all might want to stay away from the white. i'mjustsayin'.
  • i need, yes NEED, you to let my hairdresser know that bangs and curly hair just don't go together. it's like water and oil...not so good. maybe i could use the oil to tame these curls? wait, he does speak english, right?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

for freeeeeee.....

I love redoing anything that was given to me. My mother recently gave me her old sewing table. Oh, how I love this table! The definition of the lines in the legs of the table are great. I knew I wanted to paint it and make it into a little desk for Tristan's room.

Thanks to Glidden's FREE paint...this whole project was freeeeee! When I first ordered my free paint, I thought the color was fantastic. It's called Icy Waterfall. But when I went to Home Depot to get the sample, because we all know the color on the computer screen is waaaay off, I was second guessing myself. Well, fast forward to actually getting around to painting the piece....I double love it! It's the slightest greyish, baby blue. At first it looks white, then out pops a greyish blue. Roughed it up some...viola! Desk painted.

Oh wait, I didn't paint the back panel underneath the desk. Redo! How ya like that freeeee chair?!?! One of my girlfriends gave it to me...giddy am I! Recovered the seat cushion and done. Well, for now. I think I'm going to paint it an ever so slight orange. What, orange you ask. Yes orange....totally roughed up of course. We'll see what the spray paint selection is. Heaven knows I hate to sit there with a paint brush these days when I've experienced the ease of spray paint. Oh how I love that stuff! I promise I will stay away from the neon orange though. I think I'm going to remove the bulletin board, that started off as a piece of artwork, and put some small shelves up for his crayons, pencils, and knick knacks. I'm also going to put a piece of glass on the top since it is old irregularly beautiful. We wouldn't want our homework "jacked up" (or so he says).

Since I had lots of freeeee paint left I had to find other things to paint.

Hopefully my mail will stay off the counters now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

abc's & 123's

It's here...hallelujah! A day for me learning and building social skills. Tanner started MDO back yesterday and it was heaven sent. Oh how I've missed it!

Guess what I accomplished? Absolutely nothing. I spend half my day getting more track marks embedded into my arms so we can find out all that is going on with my allergic reactions....totally fun stuff. After being in a lab for a couple of hours I now see how people's lab results get mixed up. I guess if I'm told I have erectile dysfunction I need further testing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

total score

Are you a bargain shopper? I am impatiently, most certainly....NOT! I don't like digging, sorting, or scouring for a bargain. I do however like when a bargain finds me. That is when I know I just can't say no. Often things that are on sale are not clearly marked. Today was one of those days. I had to hit Michaels up for something and I saw the glorious 70% off sign. Usually, the thought of sifting through used up, broken, nobody wants it shelves makes me itchy. (Does anybody else get itchy when looking through old things?) There they were....wooden banners. Well, the bases to make a wooden banner. I quickly got giddy and started throwing children's foam sets out of the way. I MUST have 6. As a little old lady came my way, I planted my feet and widen my arms. You if to stake my territory. Afterall, this was my 70% off pile! So, 6 banner pieces later (and lots more goodies) I scored all of the above for, get this.....$18.64! I had a super, sweet cashier that didn't mind my nickel and penny mind set. I don't know what got into me? I guess I wanted the best of the best bargains. I can now see where it becomes addicting.

Two of my favorite things are below. A cute birdie pencil holder ($.59) and tray (hello... $.89!). Since they weren't clearly marked so I didn't realize how much they were. I should have gone back and scooped up the rest of them. I originally bought this to make into a present for Tristan's teacher but I think I will have to keep this for myself.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I attempt love all things DIY. Kimba over at A Soft Place to Land is having her DIY day and she is giving away some
super cute stationery. There is everything from recipes to redos so check her out!


Do you ever sit in your home and dream up new decor? I'm constantly envisioning different curtains, new pillows, painted furniture, and dazzling accessories. I'm in the midst of changing my style. Well, in all honesty...wanting to change my style. So what is a girl to do when she wants new things??? Redo the kitchen window seal. Have I lost you yet? Not too exciting, eh. Of course, being the bad blogger I am, I did not take before pictures. Let's just say that the window seal included meds, ugly soap dispensers, dried bay leaves, and a wooden plaque.

Now it holds a cute old tin coffee pot, thank you mom.

A plain candle can be spruced up with ribbon and a shell. An old picture frame that lost it's back can be painted. I loved the {in}courage post so much that I printed the definition of "encourage" and taped it to the back of the frame. Of course I had to add some starfish.

Because hand sanitizer and soap dispensers are can add wrapping paper, stickers, ribbon, adornments. I just used what I had on hand. Think of all the cute labeling you could do!!!! These make really great gifts too. How fun for a teacher to get lotion decorated cute....and hello, inexpensive. Think Dollar Tree. Yes, I can be a bit frightening to step inside but really, deals galore!

My last change today was a piece of artwork for Tristan's room. My brother painted these next two pieces and I've been eyeing them for years. Since he moved recently I was finally handed the apples of my eye! Oh how I l.o.v.e this one. It just makes my walls POP! I'm in the market for a new lamp...the monkeys have got to get back to the jungle.

This is the one I am using in Tristan's room. I had purchased one of those wall decals awhile back with a quote from one of Tristan's favorite Dr. Suess books as a young preschooler. After lots of pressing, peeling, words muddled under my breath......

this was the end result. Hubby hung it up on his wall above his bunk beds today and I just love it. Since Tristan is a huge art entheusist, I think it's extra special that he has one of Uncle Zack's pieces in his room.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

brotherly love

Sometimes canoodling with your brother lends for a really good snooze.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

noodle do

so good it makes your eyes cross

Monday, August 10, 2009


There is a new site out in the blogging world that is DYNOMITE! I love it. These are real women at the heart of God sharing the work He's done in and around their lives. At least that is how I view it.
What {in}courages me?
  • my Savior Again and again he is always there. In my heart, around me, always {in}couraging me. I have failures that He sees as hurdles and only with Him can I conquer.
  • my boys Showing me how to be a kid let loose and not sweat the small things. To be carefree and have passion. To let the ice cream melt and get dirty.
  • my husband Teaching me to never give up on a dream. To work hard and use your dedication as a means to strive. To love and be loved.
  • my mom Such a woman of grace and love. I could write a book on this but I'll spare y'all. She is much loved beyond any words!
  • my sisters in Christ I've been blessed without measure. I'm amazed at what a true friend is and how God puts them in your life at just the right time. I love my girlfriends!
  • cooking I find comfort in the kitchen. There is nothing better than gathering around the table with friends and family to eat, drink, and most of merry.
  • imperfection Now this would not have been anywhere in my vocabulary a couple of years ago...heck, even a couple of months ago. But now, as I sit and embrace all my imperfections it is my {in}couragement through and through. Because I was inslaved to perfection, I have given it all to Him. He takes it all and leaves me burden free. I love that my house isn't perfect, afterall...that means we have giggled, played, and loved in our home.

From Merriam-Webster::

{in}courage: to {in}spire with courage, spirit, or hope

Friday, August 7, 2009

i've turned into my mother

Do you remember when you were younger and your mother did something that you just couldn't stand? You would then go on to say "I'll never do that!". Well, the time has come that I'm my mother through and through.

When I was younger, my mother did not cook from a box or from frozen meals. She was the real deal. We ate so many odd things it wasn't even funny or cool. Her culinary skills are ridiculous and still to this day amaze me. I loved absolutely everything she cooked but one thing. One itty bitty vegetable, no matter how it was cooked stood in my way of saying "I love everything my mother cooks". It was horrible. So horrible that my brother and I were given a table for 2 outside when she cooked these. BEETS!!!! Why you may ask were we eating outside when our parents were inside??? Oh this is because we would physically get sick from eating them. If only I could say I was allergic to them my problems during childhood would have been resolved. I thought this was child abuse. Lock them up and charge them...or so I thought. Yesterday I found myself in her shoes. I am standing my ground and making Tanner eat everything on his plate...or at least try it. Tanner has a new "beet" but it is the cucumber. As I watched my baby chew with the funniest face ever, it started. The gagging. Most mothers would make sure their child was okay but I could do nothing but laugh. Laugh at the fact that I am my mother. Tanner thought it was so funny that he decided to put another piece of cucumber in his mouth to gag again. Boys!!!!
So, what do you do now that you said you'd never do?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

thankful's a lifesaver. Really, how did I live without it for so many years? It's where you post about your life, relive your life, and make plans with your life. I have gotten in touch with long lost friends and boy is it fun to recap years gone by. I recently found one of my best high school friends, Chris, and in a mere second my heart broke for him. As I asked him how he had been he let me into his world. His life lately has been filled with heartache and pain. Back in May him and his fiance (a gal we went to high school with) were riding motorcycles when she was hit head on. She literally died in his arms he said. It is a life event that has forever changed his world. I can't begin to imagine the gut wrenching pain that takes over him everyday. He said my love for her literally consumes me. Wow! As I messaged back and forth with him he keep saying never forget those you love.

As a someone who has been close to death on 2 occasions I know this but I sometimes quickly forget. I get so hurried in my daily life that I forget to mention those sweet I love yous. When your life is going well, do you forget to praise our Father for what he has given you? I do but I pick right back up and thank Him for all His many blessings because without Him I could do nothing!!! Hug your loved ones and never forget how precious life is.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

stirred love

After some pushing from friends and me in turn saying "I don't wanna" I have started a food blog. I'm no expert, so if you are looking for perfection or thinking you'll be the next Emeril from my tips don't look. But if you want real life cooking by a Southern gal who just loves getting in the kitchen check me out!

mimi lovin's

Moms...what would we do without them? I have an extra, extraordinary mom! She is my best friend, a constant. She is the first person I call no matter what. She loves me for me and nothing else. I know in years past I had to have disappointed her but she'd never show it or tell me I've let her down (you know those teenage years when you think you know it all). I love her dearly and thank God for giving me such a gracious, loving mother. Many of times we get called sisters and of course she eats it up...heaven already knows, I would! When I was I was young I loved it but now I'm wondering if my age is showing! Ahh, the joys of being 30.

So when Mimi comes we get to.....

take pictures of ourselves
(she is so going to kill me for putting this on here!)
phone call in 5,4,3,2,1.....

shop for figs

then drizzle them with honey and make
the BEST salad ever!
(lettuce, figs, pancetta, walnuts, blue cheese, and mom's famous dressing)

have the scrumpdiddliuptious artichoke dip
(mayo, cream cheese, parm, artichokes)
ahhh, it's heavenly
if you are wondering where the rest of the
pictures are from the meal...well, lets just say wine was involved so
the rest is history!

sleep with Mimi
with an awesome tuxedo shirt on

make a palet next to Mimi's bed
because it's not our night to sleep with her
take a ride to Nashvegas to eat Cheesecake Factory

feed Mimi the most devine carrot cake cheesecake

steal sugars from Mimi

make Mimi laugh

We double heart our Mimi!!!!!