Tuesday, February 3, 2009

In the quiet of the night.

Some- thing is so charming about a quiet house. The sheer joy I get when my kids lay their soft, sweet head on their pillow at night gives me chills. Yes, they are cute and innocent but the real joy is...the quiet house. It is as if the house is saying ahhh, a moment to breathe and relax. It got me to thinking about how God feels when His house is full. We know He is with us all the time but oh how He must feel when we simply lay our heads to rest! What relief He must feel when all His children just stop and rest. I think we get so busy in our daily lives that we forget to just be. Believe you me, I'm a go getter. The busier the more important I feel and the more I'm needed but at the end of the day I'm exhausted and am so thankful I can crash. Our Father never gets that and I have come to the realization that He welcomes the chaos. I lift burden after burden and friend after friend to Him and never once does He refuse my pleas. What an awesome feeling it is to know that He is the one to carry it all!


jennifer said...

I'm so glad you've started a blog! I'm adding you to my google reader!

Walking in 'Menchis' said...

I will be following for sure! I look forward to your posts.

Beth@Not a Bow in Sight said...

So true! I cherish those moments when all my boys are finally resting. It's such a sweet time.

Great post!